Blood Safety is Knowledge
The Thalassemia Data and Blood Specimen Collection System (commonly called the Blood Safety Program) provides much needed knowledge. Once a year, each patient with Thalassemia donates a blood sample at one of the 7 CDC-funded Thalassemia Treatment Centers. That sample, which is taken along with other blood samples during a comprehensive care visit, is tested for known infections and is also used to help identify the possibility of new infections.

And Knowledge is Power
You can’t prevent or treat something you don’t know about. The sooner the CDC knows about infections in the blood supply, the sooner blood donations can be screened and people receiving blood can be tested.
So Blood Safety is Power
Identifying new infections can help ensure that proper treatments occur at the earliest possible time while also ensuring that procedures are put in place to lessen the possibility of infection in other people receiving blood.

and Miracles
For over 70 years, the Cooley's Anemia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has been a strong and supportive partner for families living with Thalassemia.