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Tax Exempt Status
As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations to the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you have any questions, please contact

Meet Jade
My name is Jade. I’m 7 years old and I have Beta Thalassemia Major. Since I was a baby I have had blood transfusions every 21 days. That’s over 100 blood transfusions! The money that you send to CAF helps me to keep on playing sports, chess, swim and most of all reach my dreams!

Meet Shelby
My name is Shelby Campbell, I'm 8 years old and I have Beta Thalassemia. I love CAF because they host a big conference where I can see all my friends that have Thalassemia. If you want to help all kids and adults around the world that have Thalassemia, please donate to CAF.

Meet Rahul
Rahul Kapoor is a 19 year old college student who is very interested in assisting us. He gets transfused every 3 weeks and will be available on the weekends to help. Rahul with his friends.

Meet Alyssa
Alyssa Altieri is a 25 year old with Thalassemia Major. She’s such a sweet person!!! She’s doing great with the blood disorder. She started getting transfused at the age of 3, diagnosed at 5 months. She is currently working full time at a eye doctor’s office.

Meet Ralph
Ralph Colasanti a 49 year old Thal Intermediate patient who has had some problems along the way but is doing good right now.