Support for Travel to Treatment Centers for Thalassemia Patients

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The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation (CAF) is offering support for significant travel to treatment centers for Thalassemia patients. CAF offers limited financial assistance to individuals with Thalassemia who experience financial hardship due to travel expenses incurred in obtaining an annual comprehensive care evaluation or extraordinary Thalassemia care at a major treatment center. (Extraordinary Thalassemia care shall be defined as care recommended by a qualified Thalassemia physician which falls outside regular transfusions or comprehensive care – for example, if a patient requires multiple MRI iron assessments which cannot be performed at their home treatment facility.)

CAF will reimburse up to $500 in travel expenses to qualified applicants. Reimbursements will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis until funding for the period has been exhausted. No one Thalassemia Patient may receive more than $500 travel reimbursement on an annual basis under the terms of this program. Families with more than one child with Thalassemia may be reimbursed for up to $500 for each child. Travel must have occurred on or after July 1, 2024.

Patients are encouraged to take advantage of any existing services already in place for defraying costs (such as low-cost housing or reduced-cost or free travel services provided in conjunction with a specific center) before applying for these funds. Because funds are limited, patients are encouraged to check with CAF in advance if they are planning on utilizing this program for reimbursement. CAF will make every effort to assist qualified applicants but cannot provide funding once it is exhausted for the year. Total funding for the initial year is $30,000.

  • Applicant (or their child) must be diagnosed with one of the following forms of Thalassemia: Alpha Thalassemia Major, Beta Thalassemia Major, Beta Thalassemia Intermedia, E Beta Thalassemia, Hemoglobin H disease, or Hemoglobin H Constant Spring.
  • Applicant (or their child) must be registered with the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. (If you are unsure if you are registered, please contact CAF at
  • Applicant must be a resident of the United States.
  • Applicant must submit copies of receipts for relevant travel-related expenses incurred in order to obtain a comprehensive care evaluation or extraordinary Thalassemia care from a treatment center. See next page for discussion of relevant expenses. Applicant must also submit signed note from doctor or nurse confirming they were seen on the dates for which they are requesting travel reimbursement

The complete application and receipts for relevant expenses should be returned to or faxed to (212) 279-5999 or mailed to:

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, Treatment Travel Application, 330 Seventh Ave #200, New York, NY 10001.

Relevant Expenses

The following are considered relevant travel expenses and can be reimbursed (up to $500) upon submission of receipts:

  • Transportation from home to treatment center and back for adult patient or for pediatric patient and one parent/guardian.
  • Reimbursement of automobile travel, based upon mileage and utilizing IRS standard mileage rates for medical purposes (21 cents per mile for 2024). Mileage to be determined using distance from home to center and back.
  • Basic overnight lodging costs (i.e., cost of room and applicable taxes) for adult patient or for pediatric patient and one parent/guardian. Extra costs (telephone, movie rental, etc.) will not be reimbursed.
  • Reasonable meal expenditures for adult patient or for pediatric patient and one parent/guardian. Reimbursable meal costs may not exceed $60 total for one adult patient for one 24-hour period or $120 total for a pediatric patient and one parent/guardian for one 24-hour period.

Click here to download the application